Here is a time-lapse version of the drawing I did of Emma Watson during a live stream on Google Hangouts. I managed to reduce close to 5 hours down to about 4.5 minutes, so everyone can easily enjoy the entire process more conveniently. The video quality starts out low (technical issues during live broadcast), but it soon clears up quite well. If you have the patience to watch the normal, longer, real-time versions (Part 1 & 2), they can be found at the end of this video. Switch to HD mode for best results. Enjoy!
I’ll also provide a high res image of the Emma Watson pencil sketch down below.
Hero’s Theme by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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#EmmaWatson #SpeedDrawing #TimeLapse #artwork #drawing #sketch #HarryPotteractor #twinmusicom #HerosTheme

Emma Watson by Guyus Seralius (pencil on paper) Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved.