Leaders Who Look Like Evil Comic Book Villains

Just a scary observation I recently made about national leaders, along with my two cents. I was inspired to create the political image, below, in Photoshop, to express it.

To me, these leaders of nations look like evil villains. But no, these are not evil supervillains from some superhero comic book. These scary-looking, evil, shallow characters actually exist in real life! This has to change before it’s too late!

Leaders Who Look Like Evil Comic Book Villains-01

Political image by Guyus Seralius. Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

I am one among many, but at the same time, I am unique and alone. I am a reflection of all that which surrounds me and all that deep within. I am an artist, writer, philosopher, pantheist, and centrist, who hopes to make a positive change in the world.

To Contact Me: guyusseralius@gmail.com

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