The Positive vs The Negative

CHAPTER 3: The Positive vs The Negative—The Yin and The Yang

Darkness and Light

“Darkness and Light” by Guyus Seralius, © 2011. Photoshop

The video below is me reading chapter 3 of my audiobook The Forever All: A philosophical and Spiritual Guide titled, The Positive vs The Negative – The Yin and The Yang. I discuss and explain my views on pantheism and how the entire universe is comprised of two primary fundamental forces, the positive and the negative. I explain how everyone and everything in the universe is a unique blend or version of the Yin and Yang and how you are a unique intertwined swirl of the positive and the negative.

Chapter Text:

The Positive and the Negative are the two ultimate descriptive words of the All. They are the two ultimate forces, the two ultimate attributes, and the two ultimate values of the All. Understand these two forces and how they interact and you will be very close to understanding the theory of everything. The All is comprised of these two fundamental forces, which are always in opposition of one another. Therefore, one half of the All constantly contends with its other half, yet the All forever remains balanced and conserved as a whole.

These two forces are responsible for all other opposites found in the universe. Everywhere we look in nature do we see examples of these two opposite forces at work—also known as the Yin and Yang, terms which have been popularized by Eastern philosophers. Examples of some of these opposites are night and day, up and down, large and small, hot and cold, light and dark, open and closed, pain and pleasure, etc. It could be said that these two main opposite forces serve as our true parents, for they are responsible for your existence and are responsible for the All. You can’t have one without the other. When you adjust one, you automatically adjust the other, for they shape each other. One pole will always be inversely proportional to its opposite pole. If you increase the light, you automatically decrease the darkness. If you increase the heat, you automatically decrease the cold. If you remove pain, you automatically increase pleasure. But keep in mind, these increases and decreases in the opposites occur only on a local level from the perceiver’s point-of-view. Nothing can be added to or subtracted from the All as a whole. The reason we are forced to experience local gains and local losses in these two primary forces, the positive and the negative, is because we have to experience the universe in limited portions. If we heard all sounds, and saw all images, and felt all things, all at once, we would not hear, see, or feel at all. One can not hear a song in the presence of all sounds. It can’t be done. So when one attribute is locally increased within a given area of the All, it must be drawn and decreased elsewhere from the All. It’s kind of like squeezing on one end of a balloon and causing the other end to expand and inflate. For instance, to increase the light within a given area of the All, perhaps within your bedroom, energy must be drawn and decreased elsewhere from the All. Thus the energy of the All is conserved. Physicists have essentially discovered this fact about the universe and have termed it “the law of conservation.” Though for scientists, this law mainly applies to energy, mass, and momentum. But it is my strong belief that it can actually apply to any attribute of the All, such as pain and pleasure, love and hate, wellness and illness, ignorance and intelligence. Even the distribution of the color green, as it is perceived, is constantly conserved.

Due to this law of conservation, the All will forever be maintained as it always has been, as it is now. You can rest assured that the All will never one day become fully corrupt, or completely evil, or cause you non-stop pain and suffering forever and ever, for the All is not something that “becomes” anything. It already is what it is and always will be what it is, and that is pure balance. Unfortunately, as well as fortunately, we the perceivers will always come to experience an offset in the opposite poles, due to a limited view, experiencing the highs and the lows and all the transitions in between. Time and time again, we will come to experience moments of sadness as well as moments of joy, moments of suffering as well as moments of pleasure. In the following chapters, I will discuss these opposite poles of the All in some detail and how they relate to us, the perceivers.

By Guyus Seralius, 2007

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  1. Hi Gusim Gary a die hard fan of the kung fu serias could you do more stuff on the wisdom of kung fu i enjoyed your first one allthe best Gary

    • Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed them. Ya, I can’t wait to get back to doing more of those, because there are many words of wisdom in that series that should be put into the modern spotlight. Life has been keeping me so busy with other more pressing duties, lately, which is why I had to put that series on the back burner so-to-speak, but I definitely have plans to get back to it in the not too distant future–I hope. It’s nice to know there are those who do appreciate it and would look forward to more videos on it. Thanks for stopping by! Take care!

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