Steve Bannon Must Be Hitler Reincarnated

Steve Bannon Must Be Hitler Reincarnated

Ever since the 2016 presidential election, Steve Bannon, chairman of the alt-right Breitbart News Network, kept reminding me of someone. Then it finally hit me that he bears a strong and eerie resemblance to Adolf Hitler! How fitting! In this photo comparison I created, all I did was paste Hitler’s mustache onto Bannon. As I compared many other photos of these two shallow misguided humans, I couldn’t get over the similarities in their facial features, expressions, and demeanor! They both have that same creepy gaze and smirk when they’re feeling good about themselves—spooky! I guess it’s a damn good thing Bannon is not our president! Although, Donald Trump isn’t any better. That one’s a toss up. Hopefully the worst of this storm will be over soon, like in a few years or less. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

I am one among many, but at the same time, I am unique and alone. I am a reflection of all that which surrounds me and all that deep within. I am an artist, writer, philosopher, pantheist, and centrist, who hopes to make a positive change in the world.

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